
Temmuz, 2016 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Rüyada Zambak Görmek

Rüyada zambak görmek , hayırlara alamet eder ve rüya sahibinin ruhunu ve bedenini iyileştirecek kadar güzel ve mutluluk verici olayların yaşanacağına rivayet edilir . Kişinin ihtiyacı olan sakin ve huzurlu hayata kavuşacağına, dertlerinin şifasını bulacağına işaret eder . Hayatın olumlu yönde ilerleyeceğine ve kendisine heyecan verecek güzel gelişmelerin yaşanacağına, ticaretin açılacağına, kazancın da artacağına alamet eder . Rüyada zambak çiçeği görmek, uğur, şans ve kısmet olarak kabul edilir . Rüyayı gören kişinin korkularının, gereksiz telaşlarının ve kuruntularının yok olacağına, içine büyük bir huzurun dolacağına, bu moral sayesinde kendini işine vereceğine ve çok verimli olacağına rivayet edilir . Rüyada beyaz zambak görmek, rüya sahibinin muradına ereceğine, amaçlarına ulaşacağına, hayalini kurduğu işin başına geçeceğine ve bundan sonra hayatına hep başarılar ve zaferler kazanarak devam edeceğine işaret eder . Rüyada zambak soğanı görmek, rüyayı gören kişinin kariyerinin he...

[TUT] Installing .OIV packages in GTA V

Case you downloaded a .OIV file in one of my mods, this is how you proceed to install. The .oiv files are made to make easier the installation, so user just need to click in few buttons to install scripts, models and textures ;) Important: Try to keep your OpenIV updated, some older versions have issues with the packages. *Keep in mind that ScripthookVDotNet still needed for my mods, and it need to be installed/updated manually. 1 - Start OpenIV and click in GTA V windows, case it asks for game location set it. 2 - Click in Tools > ASI Manager, make sure that OpenIV.asi and ASI Loader are installed: 3 - Click in Tools > Package Installer: 4 - Select the .OIV file and click in Open: 5 - A window similar to this one should appear, click in Install: 6 - Now OpenIV will ask if you want install in mods folder or in original game files, i recommend to choose mods folder option to make easier disable the mods when going to play online: 7 - If everything goes well you should see the ...

GTA V - Los Santos Pride mod installation guide

This mod brings a Pride Parade to Los Santos: The setup guide -First of all download the Los Santos Pride mod from this link -Make sure you have the ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet installed and working -Make sure you have OpenIV installed and configured to edit your GTA V files -Open the OpenIV program and click in Windows in the GTA V option: Now click in Tools > Package Installer: Select the file PrideParade.oiv and click in Open: Now you should see a screen like this, click in Install: Now i recommend that you choose first option to install the files using the Mods folder, this will make easier disable the modded files case you want play online later (removing asi loader): If everything goes well you should see this screen, click in Close: Now close OpenIV and open it again, click in the Windows button in GTA V option. In the menu "Tools" click in "ASI Manager", make sure you have at least "ASI Loader" and "OpenIV.asi" installed...

GTA V - Los Santos Pride mod installation guide

This mod brings a Pride Parade to Los Santos: The setup guide -First of all download the Los Santos Pride mod from this link -Make sure you have the ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet installed and working -Make sure you have OpenIV installed and configured to edit your GTA V files -Open the OpenIV program and click in Windows in the GTA V option: Now click in Tools > Package Installer: Select the file PrideParade.oiv and click in Open: Now you should see a screen like this, click in Install: Now i recommend that you choose first option to install the files using the Mods folder, this will make easier disable the modded files case you want play online later (removing asi loader): If everything goes well you should see this screen, click in Close: Now close OpenIV and open it again, click in the Windows button in GTA V option. In the menu "Tools" click in "ASI Manager", make sure you have at least "ASI Loader" and "OpenIV.asi" installed...

Bu blogdaki popüler yayınlar

GTA V - NIBMods menu download

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