
Haziran, 2013 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Rüyada Zambak Görmek

Rüyada zambak görmek , hayırlara alamet eder ve rüya sahibinin ruhunu ve bedenini iyileştirecek kadar güzel ve mutluluk verici olayların yaşanacağına rivayet edilir . Kişinin ihtiyacı olan sakin ve huzurlu hayata kavuşacağına, dertlerinin şifasını bulacağına işaret eder . Hayatın olumlu yönde ilerleyeceğine ve kendisine heyecan verecek güzel gelişmelerin yaşanacağına, ticaretin açılacağına, kazancın da artacağına alamet eder . Rüyada zambak çiçeği görmek, uğur, şans ve kısmet olarak kabul edilir . Rüyayı gören kişinin korkularının, gereksiz telaşlarının ve kuruntularının yok olacağına, içine büyük bir huzurun dolacağına, bu moral sayesinde kendini işine vereceğine ve çok verimli olacağına rivayet edilir . Rüyada beyaz zambak görmek, rüya sahibinin muradına ereceğine, amaçlarına ulaşacağına, hayalini kurduğu işin başına geçeceğine ve bundan sonra hayatına hep başarılar ve zaferler kazanarak devam edeceğine işaret eder . Rüyada zambak soğanı görmek, rüyayı gören kişinin kariyerinin he...

HULK script - GTA iV - Release post and installation guide

Scroll to the end of the page to see the screenshots Finally the HULK script is released :) This script will give to player some HULK powers : Super melee attacks Thunder clap Punch ground attack Grab and throw (or smash on ground) peds, it's not precise yet, the grab fail more than work  :( Grab lamp pole and use like an baseball bat Lift vehicles or dumpster and throw them Big jump attack Direct attack against targets Big jump to reach top of buildings or cover big distances Grab launched rockets and throw them Wall climb Extra speed when running/swimming fast And maybe something that i'm forgetting now ^^ Hit play  and see the mod in action :) *** Download: V1.1 released, click here to download *** *This mod was requested by taltigolt , that also gave tips and made tests :) If you wanna make videos of this mod or share it anywhere, please use the following links in the post, this will help me a lot :) http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2013/06/hulk-script-release-post-and.h...

GTA iV HULK Script - Screenshots and progress [W.I.P.]

HULK script is evolving... Download it here Requested by  taltigolt , also he is giving tips and making tests :) Ped model used in screens/videos it's from ac.amir , unfortunately the oficial download link is offline, you can temporary download it here The script it's not available yet, but will be released soon Videos: "Lamp pole as baseball bat" feature:  http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=354247838031496 Ped grab and throw:  http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=355231647933115 "Ped smash", possible feature:  http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=355430167913263 Basic melee attacks:  http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=357637081025905 All started with simple big jump attack Hold jump to jump higher with an limit, fall from high places  and damage ground, peds, vehicles an objects around you Footsteps ground effect (sound and particle fx): When walking or running you will cause some small damage on ground,  unfortunately  i don't know how to crea...

Iron Man IV - Restore street peds pack

Check the last version of this mod  here *** If you installed first version of Iron Man IV mod, you probably replaced some common street peds , and you probably see armors walking on streets ^^ To fix this "issue" i created the replace mission chars pack  to replace mission chars and now i will release here this pack to restore original GTA IV peds visual, this way you will avoid the armors walking on streets :) Easy install OpenIV Package for  easy  install:  FreakShare , MEGA Need  more speed  with your  MEGA  downloads ? click  here Need help with  .oiv  files? click  here Manual setup Download the pack FreakShare , MEGA Extract the files to an folder, you will have this: Now open the OpenIV , select your game, open the folder models\cdimages , open the file componentpeds.img then click in Edit mode : Now in the folder " restore "   we will have all the models that we need to drag to OpenIV, select them...

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