Rüyada Zambak Görmek

Rüyada zambak görmek , hayırlara alamet eder ve rüya sahibinin ruhunu ve bedenini iyileştirecek kadar güzel ve mutluluk verici olayların yaşanacağına rivayet edilir . Kişinin ihtiyacı olan sakin ve huzurlu hayata kavuşacağına, dertlerinin şifasını bulacağına işaret eder . Hayatın olumlu yönde ilerleyeceğine ve kendisine heyecan verecek güzel gelişmelerin yaşanacağına, ticaretin açılacağına, kazancın da artacağına alamet eder . Rüyada zambak çiçeği görmek, uğur, şans ve kısmet olarak kabul edilir . Rüyayı gören kişinin korkularının, gereksiz telaşlarının ve kuruntularının yok olacağına, içine büyük bir huzurun dolacağına, bu moral sayesinde kendini işine vereceğine ve çok verimli olacağına rivayet edilir . Rüyada beyaz zambak görmek, rüya sahibinin muradına ereceğine, amaçlarına ulaşacağına, hayalini kurduğu işin başına geçeceğine ve bundan sonra hayatına hep başarılar ve zaferler kazanarak devam edeceğine işaret eder . Rüyada zambak soğanı görmek, rüyayı gören kişinin kariyerinin he...

Spiderman IV - GTA IV mod by Bob Lester and JulioNIB

This was one of the most requested mods since i started modding GTA IV, only possible now thanks to OpenIV + OFIO + Bob Lester amazing anims ( also ASI loader and Scripthook ;-) )


Mod "history": http://www.facebook.com/hashtag/spidermaniv

if you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description: 


Installation: This mod uses OpenIV Package Installer, see how to install here


This mod don't includes suits, but goes with config for this pack:

This pack goes with .ini files for each Suit:

If you want install a new suit, take a look into Suits folder at Scripts\Spiderman Files folder, basically you need a .ini file for the suit and set the model name inside that .ini file.

For missions i recommend a playerped.rpf model (Game may crash if you use a custom ped model in missions)

Other skins (not tested):

See how to install new Suits changing what ped model to replace watching this video.

Audio issues

If you can't hear the web shoot sounds while performing Web Swing, Web Stun or Web Shoot you should enable the bUseNaudio2 in the mod .ini file at gta Scripts folder, set bUseNaudio2=1.

Unable to load Suit or game Textures missing

Seems that too much High Resolution textures for custom ped models make this game unable to load some custom ped models or make some game textures disappear, even more in low resource PCs, so, to fix this issue i made this pack (mirror) that reduces the quality of the Suit textures in the ac.amir models release, at least here this fixed those issues ;). Using OpenIV install the files into your componentpeds.img.


Insert - Show mods menu (also via scripthook command spiderman)
Right mouse button - Web swing - Camera direction determines how high you go
Left mouse button - Web shoot (target ped/vehicle must be set first)
Q - Kick
E - Punch
T - Throw vehicle (only when message appears)
R - Disarm armed target
1 - Web stun attack
2 - Toggle Photo mode
3 - Take a photo (While in photo mode)
Hold Control - Set "jump to spot" location
Hold Control + Web swing - Jump to spot
Web shoot + Q or E - Pull target with web and attack
Web shoot + R - Disarm target
Web shoot with targeted vehicle - Jump to vehicle
R - While over a vehicle, press R to rip the driver from the vehicle
Jump + targeted ped + Q or E - Perform air attack

Xbox 360 Controls: See the Controls menu in the mod menu.

You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file


Anims and models by Bob Lester
Script by JulioNIB



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