Rüyada Zambak Görmek

Rüyada zambak görmek , hayırlara alamet eder ve rüya sahibinin ruhunu ve bedenini iyileştirecek kadar güzel ve mutluluk verici olayların yaşanacağına rivayet edilir . Kişinin ihtiyacı olan sakin ve huzurlu hayata kavuşacağına, dertlerinin şifasını bulacağına işaret eder . Hayatın olumlu yönde ilerleyeceğine ve kendisine heyecan verecek güzel gelişmelerin yaşanacağına, ticaretin açılacağına, kazancın da artacağına alamet eder . Rüyada zambak çiçeği görmek, uğur, şans ve kısmet olarak kabul edilir . Rüyayı gören kişinin korkularının, gereksiz telaşlarının ve kuruntularının yok olacağına, içine büyük bir huzurun dolacağına, bu moral sayesinde kendini işine vereceğine ve çok verimli olacağına rivayet edilir . Rüyada beyaz zambak görmek, rüya sahibinin muradına ereceğine, amaçlarına ulaşacağına, hayalini kurduğu işin başına geçeceğine ve bundan sonra hayatına hep başarılar ve zaferler kazanarak devam edeceğine işaret eder . Rüyada zambak soğanı görmek, rüyayı gören kişinin kariyerinin he...

GTA V .Net Scripts setup


-Case you already had the mods menu working (Ctrl + N) and after installing a new mod it stop working, maybe you have a outdated scripthookVDotNet, a simple update may solve the issue.

-Don't put scripthookVDotNet.dll file in scripts folder, this will make the plugin fail to load, his place is in gta5.exe folder :)

-Case you believe you have all installed and still can't make it work, check the troubleshooting post clicking here

-Run game as Administrator.

-Case the mod menu don't appear after selecting it on the NIBMods menu, maybe its a issue related to the characters, suits or armors .ini files in Scripts\Characters (suits or armors) folder, delete all character .ini files from that folder and in game press Insert to reload scripts.

-You need internet access to login validation (if needed by mod)

Requirements to run .net script mods in GTA V PC

1 - ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
2 - ScripthookVDotNet by Crosire
3 - Windows packages for ScripthookVDotNet:

-Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 (direct link)
-Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (direct link)
-Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 (x64) (direct link)
-Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (x64) (direct link)

*You may need to uninstall newer versions of framework to be able to install 4.5. Remember to reinstall newer versions after install 4.5 (in this specific case).

**In Windows 8 or Windows 10 you may need to install some windows updates that will install the required packages + install the Visual C++ packs.

Scripts setup

Tip: You can use this guide as base for any V .NET script setup :) (for non .OIV packages)

Option 1: Simple setup (copy and paste)

Case the zip file don't contains a .OIV package file, you just need to extract the content of the ZIP to gta V Scripts folder, case the Scripts folder don't exists, create one.

Option 2: OpenIV package installer

Open OpenIV, select GTA V (Windows), in the menu Tools go to Package Installer, then select the .oiv file to open.

You will see a window similar to this one after loading, click in Install :)

Obs.: You also can open the .oiv file with winzip or winrar and extract the files from "content" folder to perform a manual setup.

Run the game as administrator, press Ctrl + N to see if the mod menu appears, wait at least 1 second after game ends loading to try.

Case the mod is not working a good thing to check is the .log files generated by ASI loader, ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet, they may contain important info about what is failing.

Case you still have issues, check the troubleshooting:


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